Are you ready to wake up? To move into the fullness of your soul’s shape and size? To rest, to revive, to balance, to align, to feel, to grieve, to tell stories, to be silent, to laugh, to allow, to be firm, to step into, to step away from… to be you, fully held by you, in a space of loving awareness?  

I can’t wait to support you.

In addition to my coaching training with the wonderful Tara Mohr, I have, for over twenty years, been a student of yoga, meditation, prayer, and energy work/awareness. Before that, and for as long as I can remember, I have had a deep relationship with God, nature, and the dialogue between inner life and outer life, love and its many forms, and the intersections among body, mind and spirit. How do we live in this form of body in an intentional way, a kind way, an awake way, from the heart? How do we realize our true path in the larger scheme of life and in the everyday realm? How do we remain awake and in delight and joy even as we experience the challenges of being in a body and in relationship? How do we locate ourselves on this path that can feel like constantly walking through the eye of the needle?

Through engagement with many different modalities from a variety of traditions - including physical practices of yoga, breathwork, and somatic awareness as well as forms of meditation, prayer and energy work - I have realized that all paths that lead to centered presence and warm vitality require one thing: consistent practice, evolving practice, beginner's mind practice, and supported practice. We cannot do this alone, and we are bound to get stuck, confused and lost from time to time.

Please allow me to help! My coaching is offered with an emphasis on listening/witnessing and offering, if needed, contemplative and body-awareness practices. Where are you in need of a breath of fresh air? Together and through techniques that have been studied and shared for thousands of years, we can learn to rest in non-judgmental presence with ourselves so that we align with Life itself, Creativity, Love, and Joy.